Employee Details
DEPARTMENT/ SUBDEPARTMENT DETAILS : Main and Sub Departments can be defined you know which department employee has worked. It is also useful for cost analyses.
RANK DETAILS : Rank for each designated work can be defined with its own salary structure. And the same can be modified for each individual employee. In this case, supposing any employee has worked during the month under different ranks, due to this facility of rank he can be paid with up to four different salaries in one salary voucher. If required, rank can be upgraded automatically.
ZONE/LOCATION DETAILS : Zone and Location can be defined for more than one place of work to enable you knows which zone/location employee has worked.It is also useful for cost analyses.
FINE/ATTENDANCE DETAILS : Attendance and Fines can be defined to enable control the employees’ work disciplines.
Daily present, Sick leave, Excuse duty, Extra worked day etc… comes under Attendance definition. Upon selection it will adjust the present days automatically during the month.
Absent without permission, Rude behavior, Sleeping on duty, Drunk on duty etc… comes under Fines. Upon selection it will adjust the present days automatically during the month.
BANK DETAILS : Information of each bank details for each employee. It will help to prepare bank wise disbursement of salary and preparation of letters to the bank.
GROUP DETAILS : Each employee can be assigned to his/her time group. This helps in controlling their attendance and overtime issues. Once the Group time is changed for any day or week, employees connected with that group is automatically affects with those changes.
LOANS-ADVANCES DETAILS : Keeps record of all the company’s loans-private loans and advances paid to each employee as well as the deductions as agreed with the employee.
LEAVE DETAILS : Keeps record of Due Leave and its register for each employee.
OVERTIME AND BONUS DETAILS : Keeps record of daily overtime and yearly bonus or any other dues payable to each employee.
TOTAL EMPLOYEES’ ACCRUED LIABILITIES DETAILS : Works out total liabilities of the entire employee on the company at any given point of time.
EMPLOYEES’ ATTANDENCE/OT PERFORMANCE DETAILS : Provides record for each employee’s performance for the given period to enable you to decide the increment or promotion. Apart from the performance register,YOU CAN ALSO GET THE “PERFORMANCE CHART”.